Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Water, water, and more water!

"It is just water," or its it?  We are made up of 70% water!  70% percent!  So, if something like that is such an abundant part of our make up than what makes it "just water"?!

Do you know where your water comes from?  What it has in it and what the source is?  And, did you know that 26 out of the 50 states have CHEMICALLY polluted water.  That means that if we are drinking tap water, we are polluting 70% of our body with unknown chemicals.  If we grow our vegetables and herb with tap water than we are polluting those sources of nutrition as well with these chemicals. 

There are myths of all kinds about water.  Some include that for every amount of sapring water we bottle, we destroy and equal amount.  Some say that Dasani and Aquafina are basically at tap water standards.  It is said that some of the best purified waters are equal to the benefits of tap water.  It is also said that distilled water will kill a plant faster than tap water will, so what does it do to our body?!  Your job is to research and find out what resonates with you. 

In this process I ask you to begin to consider that we are of the earth, when we die we turn back into earth, our bodies are made up of wind, earth, fire, air, and water so why would we put anything less than the very best of these components in our body?  Above I mentioned a myth, or maybe a fact about how we destroy as much tap water as we bottle, however here is my perspective...  When water errupts from a spring it multiples 4 times the amount, called magnificently enough the water multiplication effect.  When a spring is tapped with love and care we are destroying nothing,  You can find springs all over your own state, maybe even city.  A place where you can take your bottle and litteralluy place at the opening of the earth that the spirng comes from and fill up, and drink immediately.  Consider this, where is the destruction if it is that easy?  many of these springs are even free to fill up at. 

Lastl;y, when we buy bottled water we not only are usually buying meteocre water but we are buying more trash rthat will need to be recycled, more labor and chemicals that will be needed to simply recycyle that little piece of plastic. 

Consider your health, that you are composed mostly of this ingredient, that too live long what you put in your body is a number one key to longevity.  Could you survive with out water?  Can you survive long with less than the best ever water?!  Is it still "just water"?

Find local spring water at

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