Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Check out this website for a little bit of assurance :)  Read the WINGS post for a bit more info on what is happening on the planet :)  Below is a bit of my input, please excuse mispelled words and typos as I am in a slight hurry and want to make sure to have this while it is fresh in my memory!

I keep hearing from people that they don't kno what is going on, that their body feels weird, that they are not fully understanding their emotions, that everything seems so different... well ultimately it is different.  We are no longer in the world we were in before.  The shift has happend from patriarch back to a balance of patriarch and matriarch.  We are re-categorizing our lives and moing into new space so that we can align perfectly with the new world.  yes, I said New World.  This is earth #2 a chance to fix what we had sewn in our prior earth. 

At times like this many things seem harder, at least this is my experience... My dreams are violent and chaotic, my relationships are the same.  My health has gone all over the board and what once may have been working suddenly was ripped out from underneath me.  I am feeling the deepest desire to run and hide on a mountain where I am free from interaction because I feel like it is almost unfair to socialize at the nmoment.  However what we really need is community as we enter this phase and move through it.  To feel the love of each other and the love of the world will assist in the growth of this process. 

This is like one big PURGE!  Spring cleaning... if we hold on to and grasp at how we once new of ourselves it will only cause a deeper sense of panic.  This is a time to just be... to sit back and meditate and feel the love of the world as we can now see that we are no longer defined by our patterns and our material possessions.  An opportunity to just be and feel whole in that be-ing! 

I called a very dear friend the other day when I was going through oneof the biggest ego struggles of my life and as I grasped for control of the situation he explained the importance of just letting go and recognizing that we are the queen / king of our own play and when we relinquish the desire for this control we create space to allow it to work itself out.  The moment I let go of it, the resistance was gone and everything fell into place.  Step back and allow the world to form around you because it will, and it will in the exact way that it is supposed to. 

So tonight before you crawl into bed to go to sleep please take a moment and feel your being.  Notice that your body is simply the vessel to operate and that your ultimate being is at peace even if everything else is spinning choatically around you!  You are love, you are divinity!

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