Monday, February 1, 2010

A Monday Morning Yoga Routine

It is a beautiful Monday morning and you awake maybe thinking "ugh, Monday"!  Let's switch that around... How about it?

Get out of bed reach your fingers towards the sky and strecth feeliung the infinity of the body and the length that you are.  Walk into the bathroom brush your teeth, wash your face and look in the mirror, tell yourself :I love you, you are a beautiful soul that has a purpose to do today"!  Go drink a big glass of water with some fresh lemon and take some amazing supplements that will support you for the day!

Now, go find a quiet place to work your body out!  Take your time in these postures, about 5 to 7 breaths allowing your body to open and settle into the posture.  And most importantly ifyou do not know the posture and if it doesn't feel right then please skip it :)

Childs pose - a place to engage your breath and your intention for the day
Down dog - adhoa mukha svinasana
Right leg steps forward to a runners lunge releasing the left knee to the mat - move around create space
Left legsteps forward to meet right
Forward fold - uttanasana releasing everyting hang the neck and allow the back body to open up
Palms to shins Halfway Lift extend through the spine lengthen through the crown of the head
Step the Right Leg back for a runners lunge releasing right knee - find the space and movement of the hips
Down Dog pedal out the legs and open up the hamstrings.  gently bend to the arms to open up the back
Heal toe the feet out to about a 2.5 foot stance for a Wide Legged Forward Fold
Sink the hips towards the earth for frog  - keeping the feet firmly planted on the ground
Plant left hand on the mat and take left fingers to the sky for a frog twist
Switch out the hands and oppsosite side
Release to childs pose
Lace left arm underneath right armpit with left ear to the mat opening up the shoulder
Release to center
Lace right arm underneath the left armpit and right ear to the mat - create space
Release to childs pose - take time to roll up to sit on your heels and reach towards the sky thanking the universe for the day!

Now get up and do 3 - 5 minutes of jumping jacks.  30 seconds of jumping jacks and 30 seconds of a plank position, repeat.  Build heat in the body and strength in the core! 

Now go shower and LOVE your day!  Eat a beautiful breakfast that is full of life and color.  Maybe some apple and banana, and some mint tea!

Not only can you start your Mondays like this... but really any day of the week is great to start out by stretching and getting the breath moving through you!  It reminds you that you are alive!  AND how beautful is it that you are alive??????

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