Saturday, February 6, 2010

Getting to know your body

Changing your eating habits is beautiful process of exploration.  As you give yourself space to get to know your body you suddenly create a body awareness that supercedes anything you have known so far.  If you add exercise or yoga into that journey you are in for a real treat!  To have body awareness is to realize that we are not of the body.  As Wayne Dyer says we are a soul with a body, rather than I body with a soul. 

In my change to raw foods about 6 to 7 months ago I went all out.  Instead of offering a transition period I just went for and ate probably 100% raw 99% of the time; maybe eating cooked foods a total of 6 times in these months.  Obviously my detox was intense and I have been purging and exploring, recently I have acquired a cold that has taken me down for about 12 days.  I have reached a detox that is so deep that my body is not yet able to handle.  I have depleted my system and it struggles to assimilate food.  Mainly this occurs because I am anemic, something that I have known for about 10 years but never really thought about.

Now that I am face to face with having to regress my detox process I am seeing it (anemia) in a much more realistic way.  So here it is, my river of life (my blood) is just barely strong enough to support my body.  If I do not nourish it with exactly what it needs it leads to situations like where I am now.  My symptoms now, to elaborate a bit, are slowed digestion, foggy and slow thinking, high stress, lack of sleep, struggle of food assimilation, high emotions, poverty mentallity (which I will explain a bit more in a minute), and extreme dryness in body with the accompaniment of mucus.  The goal of eating healhty and getting to know your diet is to reach YOUR optimal health!  I repeat YOUR optimal health!  Your body has different needs than anyone else, your genetics carry some things that may not be so for others.  This is why it is important for us to explore our eating habits and this is why I am actually very content with where I am at this point.  Because now I know, I have the realization and can find out what I need on a daily basis to support my system.  And therefore I can work on this anemia thing and maybe one day entirely overcome it!!

I believe everything is connected, what is present in the physical body will be present in the emotional and mental body, but it is kind of like the question; "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"  Did the emotion cause the physical or the physical cause the emotional.  To be completely candid about how this blood "deficiency" has effected me I will tell you what I experience every month before I start my period. 

Every month before I before I start my period I begin to feel greedy and hoarding, I feel overcome by poverty and very poor.  My energy is drained almost all the way, and I am so tired that 11 hours of sleep a night is barely enough.  My stress levels spike about money and I lose sleep when I need it the most.  After really sitting with what anemia is this all began to make total sense.  That which keeps my body alive is low, and gets even lower during that time of the month and I am about to let go of blood that my body doesn't really feel like it has the ability to let go of.  Therefore everything in my life begins to feel that way. 

This is all so apparently clear to me since I have been taking the time to get to know my body, and now that I am seeing these things and how they are linked to my thought patterns or vise versa I can begin to change, coming into my optimal health!  Though this may sound exciting and intimidating all at the same time I encourage you to begin to do the same.  Though my words of caution are that you take your time, and move a little slower than I did as I have a tendency to go all or nothing!  :)  I did it so that you didn't have too and I could share with you my discovery. 

Begin to watch your thoughts, and begin to watch your habits in all areas.  See how one plays off the other and witness it with out judgement, but with a open heart.  This way you can begin to come into your BEST self ever and maybe avoid life altering occurances!  e kind to yourself on your journey and honor your body.  Seek help and guidance from people you trust and seem to have things in common!  This will allow your journey to flow with a little more ease!


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