Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The truth about beauty...

The truth is that we are naturally beautiful. 

Take away the lotions, soaps, make ups, shampoos, and plethera of other products filled with unknown chemicals..... and you are naturally divine.  You see the divinity in each of us is what is beautiful and as you begin to change yourlifestyle and move to a more organic way of living you may feel the differences between this organic beauty and this beauty that requires us to look like a supermodel all the time.  Een now allow yourself to notice what you define beauty as.  Is it botox and polastic surgery, make up and pretty clothes, or naked forms?!

This will allow you to begin to determine where you are and maybe where you want to go.  A beautiful sister of mine has decided that she would no longer use shampoos or perfumes or even deoderants for the most part.  Being surrounded by people who use all of those things and then some has really had the effect of questioning her own beauty and what t is.  Our habits forms by only what we are taught.  So what we know is a more surfaced beauty, where as in the outback of Australia they know much differently.  

If you want to begin to cut back on the chemicals and the "forced" beauty and begin to get in touch with who you are and what your natural beauty is try the below recipes :)  

Face wash - too be used once a day 
Take 1Tbsp of tea tree oil and mix with 2 Tbsp of aloe vera!  Shake and apply. 
I have been using this for months and my break outs decreased as well as my skin begin to glow.

Every other day I drown my skin in oil scented with my very own essential oils (purchased at any natural health food store, the same place you can get sesame oil or jojoba oil to mix them with)  This way you are in control of what goes in it!  YAY!  Sesame oil travels deep into the body and pulls the toxins straight into the intestines to be flushed out.. what a perk moisturize your skin and detox your body!  

Shampoo and soap....
I am not quite on a natural approach here I use irganic companies but I still use the products.  I do however only use them 2 to 3 times a week.  I shower daily usually but not alwasy scrubbing myself.  I exfoliate once a week with a dry brush in circular motions moving towards the heart for a detox too... fyi!

Cracked heels:  Two words

Extra Hair Treatments:  Weekly
Take that same oil recipe above and massage it into your scalp on friday night than take coconut oil and rub through out the ends of your hair and allow it to sit for a couple days.  Got a hot date or going out.... Take a beautiful scarf and wrap it around your head add some big beautiful earrings and off you go! 

Hair and Nail growth:  3 words, but start off slow and build the amount becasue it is a detoxifier!
MSM - this will kick hair growth way up!


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