Monday, February 8, 2010

Bits of Info and Recipes

The Coffee of the Superhero!!!!!

Boil 2 cups of water and pour over the top of 2 red roobios tea bags, or 2 mint tea bags (allow too steep for 3 – 5 minutes)

Add to blender:

2 Tbsp of Goji berries

2Tbsp or raisins or Incan berries or both

3 – 4 Tbsp of Raw Cacao powder

2 Tbsp of Coconut Oil

1 tsp of flaw / chia seeds (found at any local health foods store)

Sm handful of nuts

1 Tbsp of Maca

Sm amount of hot pepper, you be the judge – fresh is best and avoid the seeds

Pour hot tea over the ingredients and blend for 1 – 2 minutes

This smoothie will give you a whole different type of a kick!  Energy that will last you several hours, fillimg you to thr brim with superfoods all with a familiar taste of hot cocoa!  No preservatives, nothing that isn't real.  Only raw, organic goodness to saturate your taste buds.  You can add more herbs to it as well.  Say your daily vitamin capsule opened up and poured in, or some cistnche, euccomia bark, reishi mushroom, chaga, tocotrenials, carob powder... the possibilities are endless!
Is this a dreaded phrase for people?  Do you think... eeek to be alone with myself.... no thanks!  That was the way I first perceived.  Now my soul and my mind crave that peaceful time with myself. So here is my advice....
Just start!  30 seconds, 1 minute, who cares!  This is dedicated amount of time for you to get clear with yourself anf the universe.  To allow the chaos to melt away and open up a clearer mind.  A chance to just hear your breath, or to whisper the sounds creator, source, spirit, buddha, jesus, etc over and over to pace of your inhales and exhales.  For you to be alone with spirirt and manifest your greatest self! 
Try It, right now, sit for 30 seconds in quiet and focus on one thing.  When your mind wonders smile and acknowledge it for its creativity.  Thank it and go back to your breath!  Your body, mind and soul will be so pleased!

Oh and check out this website for amazing yoga mats!

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