Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kick it in the asss immune tonic!


I am not going to beat around the bush here or be light in my words.  I have found the best way to start off your morning!  With out a doubt you will feel great!  Considering the health stuff that I have been experiencing this tonic has been a rocker for my days allowing me to stay up later and longer!  My brain is clearer and I am able to process things on an easier level.  So, here it goes!

1 - 2 tbsps of Revitaphi powder
(website will be listed at the bottom for all the ingredients )
1/2 tsp of Blue green algae
1/2 tsp of Cordyceps
1 dropper full of marine phytoplankton
add in about 8oz of water or juice, hake and drink it down!

Website is
The total cost of these products is listed below
Revitaphi:  $55 (for a BIG jar)
Marine Phytoplankton:  $59.95
Cordyceps:  $28
Blue Green Algae:  $28

Even if you are able to get one or 2 of these products, that alone will begin to activate your inner passions to a whole new level!

There is no more time to slack off in life as it is beginning to speed up and we are being asked to step it up.  We have the tools to do so, let us utilize them.  If your car needed repair and service you would no doubt do it!  Why would your body be any ifferent especially considering it is what carries you through this life.  When you operate at an optimum level you become stress free, or at least you feel less stressed, and become in line with your life's purpose.

You have so much support and love to assist you on your path; when you step up and proclaim your decision to do the best for yourself and for the world the universe will only respond with love and support!

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