Sunday, February 21, 2010

Salad recipe!

Rock out this salad recipe and I promise your taste buds will love you!  So will your body... it is quite a bit of fiber though so keep that in mind!  I do have to shout out to Jake who has taught me some pretty incredible salad tips!!!  Woot Woot!

Take a handful of mixed greens and toss them in a big bowl
Chop up some purple cabbage and throw it in
Add onion, I prefer red slices but any will work
1 apple chopped into bits
1 avocado cubed or slices
1 carrot
GOOD olives cut in half.... nothing canned :) 
1 tomatoe
1/2 a cucumber

Dressing is some good oil drizzled on top of the salad (hemp, flax, olive, or sesame)
1/2 a lemon squeezed over it
AND a little bit of apple cider vinegar
Take some celtic sea salt of some himalayan salt and season!

This will fill you for hours, you can share, eat the whole thing, or save some for later!

Do let it sit for a little bit so that the lemon and the apple cider vinegar can go to work a bit.  They are a great pre digesting aid!  The will break down the enzymes in the food so that your body can assimilate them easier! 

This salad delivers not only to your taste buds but to your eyes as well!  COLOR COLOR COLOR!!!!!! 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kick it in the asss immune tonic!


I am not going to beat around the bush here or be light in my words.  I have found the best way to start off your morning!  With out a doubt you will feel great!  Considering the health stuff that I have been experiencing this tonic has been a rocker for my days allowing me to stay up later and longer!  My brain is clearer and I am able to process things on an easier level.  So, here it goes!

1 - 2 tbsps of Revitaphi powder
(website will be listed at the bottom for all the ingredients )
1/2 tsp of Blue green algae
1/2 tsp of Cordyceps
1 dropper full of marine phytoplankton
add in about 8oz of water or juice, hake and drink it down!

Website is
The total cost of these products is listed below
Revitaphi:  $55 (for a BIG jar)
Marine Phytoplankton:  $59.95
Cordyceps:  $28
Blue Green Algae:  $28

Even if you are able to get one or 2 of these products, that alone will begin to activate your inner passions to a whole new level!

There is no more time to slack off in life as it is beginning to speed up and we are being asked to step it up.  We have the tools to do so, let us utilize them.  If your car needed repair and service you would no doubt do it!  Why would your body be any ifferent especially considering it is what carries you through this life.  When you operate at an optimum level you become stress free, or at least you feel less stressed, and become in line with your life's purpose.

You have so much support and love to assist you on your path; when you step up and proclaim your decision to do the best for yourself and for the world the universe will only respond with love and support!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The truth about beauty...

The truth is that we are naturally beautiful. 

Take away the lotions, soaps, make ups, shampoos, and plethera of other products filled with unknown chemicals..... and you are naturally divine.  You see the divinity in each of us is what is beautiful and as you begin to change yourlifestyle and move to a more organic way of living you may feel the differences between this organic beauty and this beauty that requires us to look like a supermodel all the time.  Een now allow yourself to notice what you define beauty as.  Is it botox and polastic surgery, make up and pretty clothes, or naked forms?!

This will allow you to begin to determine where you are and maybe where you want to go.  A beautiful sister of mine has decided that she would no longer use shampoos or perfumes or even deoderants for the most part.  Being surrounded by people who use all of those things and then some has really had the effect of questioning her own beauty and what t is.  Our habits forms by only what we are taught.  So what we know is a more surfaced beauty, where as in the outback of Australia they know much differently.  

If you want to begin to cut back on the chemicals and the "forced" beauty and begin to get in touch with who you are and what your natural beauty is try the below recipes :)  

Face wash - too be used once a day 
Take 1Tbsp of tea tree oil and mix with 2 Tbsp of aloe vera!  Shake and apply. 
I have been using this for months and my break outs decreased as well as my skin begin to glow.

Every other day I drown my skin in oil scented with my very own essential oils (purchased at any natural health food store, the same place you can get sesame oil or jojoba oil to mix them with)  This way you are in control of what goes in it!  YAY!  Sesame oil travels deep into the body and pulls the toxins straight into the intestines to be flushed out.. what a perk moisturize your skin and detox your body!  

Shampoo and soap....
I am not quite on a natural approach here I use irganic companies but I still use the products.  I do however only use them 2 to 3 times a week.  I shower daily usually but not alwasy scrubbing myself.  I exfoliate once a week with a dry brush in circular motions moving towards the heart for a detox too... fyi!

Cracked heels:  Two words

Extra Hair Treatments:  Weekly
Take that same oil recipe above and massage it into your scalp on friday night than take coconut oil and rub through out the ends of your hair and allow it to sit for a couple days.  Got a hot date or going out.... Take a beautiful scarf and wrap it around your head add some big beautiful earrings and off you go! 

Hair and Nail growth:  3 words, but start off slow and build the amount becasue it is a detoxifier!
MSM - this will kick hair growth way up!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Night Thoughts

Valentine's Day.... The day of love!
Valentine's day is about love, relationship love, infinite love, intimate love, universal love, friendship love, family love..

This year is special as the universe is working to teach us a new way of love and a new way of opening our hearts to love.  So as we spend this weekend with firneds, lovers, family, or alone let's be thanful that we have what we hav.  Let us first and formeost love ourselves so that we can create the space to love others on a truly unconditional level. 

See the thing that I learned today is that my partner is not in charge of how I feel, unless I let him be and even then it is me choosing how I will feel.  In intimate relationships they are there to challenge our growth and give us support, but we all have out own stuff to work through therefore it is important that we hae the space to o it.  I hope this is making sense to you, I feel like I am not so simply rambling. 

I guess ultimately what I am saying is that it is time to love eachother for support rather than fulfillment.  We are in a time that challenges us to be independent and stand strong in that but be excited that we have people to share it with.  I have always thought that I want to love my partner the same way I love my closest friends... They could do nothing to ruin my day, so why would I choose to create that resistance with my partner.  This Valentine's day let us choose to love unconditionally.  As Mother Theresa says :we Have been created for greater things, not just to be a number in the world, not just to go for diplomas and degrees, this work and that work.  We have been created in order to love and to be loved."

Love is not difficult, it simply is there always waiting for you to o allow it :)

I love you all!  Namaste!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A New Work Out followed by a Few Great Yoga Poses

20 Minutes is all you got....

60 seconds of Jumping Jacks
60 seconds of Prisoner squats (hands behind the head, shoulders stacked over hips, take the knees down low!)
60 seconds Push Ups
60 seconds Mountain Climbers
60 seconds Plank
60 seconds active recovery!!!!


Yoga It out..... take your time and feel theposture and when your body is ready to enter and exit the posture.  Breathe into the muscular energy!

Downward dog
Childs pose with wide wide wide knees
Downward dog again
Runners lunge right leg forward back knee dropped
Runners lunge left leg forward back knee dropped
Forward fold
Mountain pose fingers reaching and shoulders down, weight in the heels
Forward fold
Downward dog
Bridge pose with a block underneath the sacrum
Corpse pose - final relaxation

Remember to take your time in life and explore yourself.  Place importance in yourself b/c if one day all of the material things disappear what would you be left with?  Would you love to be alone with your own mind?  You are a beautiful, divine, light creature that is full of joy!  Breathe deep through your day and feel your belly and lungs expand and grow, slow your heart rate with your breath and keep in mind that there is nothing so important to stress over! :)

LOVE and STARS!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Check out this website for a little bit of assurance :)  Read the WINGS post for a bit more info on what is happening on the planet :)  Below is a bit of my input, please excuse mispelled words and typos as I am in a slight hurry and want to make sure to have this while it is fresh in my memory!

I keep hearing from people that they don't kno what is going on, that their body feels weird, that they are not fully understanding their emotions, that everything seems so different... well ultimately it is different.  We are no longer in the world we were in before.  The shift has happend from patriarch back to a balance of patriarch and matriarch.  We are re-categorizing our lives and moing into new space so that we can align perfectly with the new world.  yes, I said New World.  This is earth #2 a chance to fix what we had sewn in our prior earth. 

At times like this many things seem harder, at least this is my experience... My dreams are violent and chaotic, my relationships are the same.  My health has gone all over the board and what once may have been working suddenly was ripped out from underneath me.  I am feeling the deepest desire to run and hide on a mountain where I am free from interaction because I feel like it is almost unfair to socialize at the nmoment.  However what we really need is community as we enter this phase and move through it.  To feel the love of each other and the love of the world will assist in the growth of this process. 

This is like one big PURGE!  Spring cleaning... if we hold on to and grasp at how we once new of ourselves it will only cause a deeper sense of panic.  This is a time to just be... to sit back and meditate and feel the love of the world as we can now see that we are no longer defined by our patterns and our material possessions.  An opportunity to just be and feel whole in that be-ing! 

I called a very dear friend the other day when I was going through oneof the biggest ego struggles of my life and as I grasped for control of the situation he explained the importance of just letting go and recognizing that we are the queen / king of our own play and when we relinquish the desire for this control we create space to allow it to work itself out.  The moment I let go of it, the resistance was gone and everything fell into place.  Step back and allow the world to form around you because it will, and it will in the exact way that it is supposed to. 

So tonight before you crawl into bed to go to sleep please take a moment and feel your being.  Notice that your body is simply the vessel to operate and that your ultimate being is at peace even if everything else is spinning choatically around you!  You are love, you are divinity!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

All one...

This is all I want to say tonight.... the only seed I want to sew....
We are all one, what we do to ourselves we do to others and vise versa.  There is no seperation between the cow we eat and who we are.  If we fall to our death and lie on the ground in the middle of nowhere, never to be found or buried than what happens to the physical body?
It decomposes, becomes food for the earth, food for the birds, fertilizer for the plants, food for the carnivores, hair becomes nest material, our 70% water content becomes water to replenish the ground we lay upon, we disappear into the ages to come. 
We are one with the earth and one with each other. 

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bits of Info and Recipes

The Coffee of the Superhero!!!!!

Boil 2 cups of water and pour over the top of 2 red roobios tea bags, or 2 mint tea bags (allow too steep for 3 – 5 minutes)

Add to blender:

2 Tbsp of Goji berries

2Tbsp or raisins or Incan berries or both

3 – 4 Tbsp of Raw Cacao powder

2 Tbsp of Coconut Oil

1 tsp of flaw / chia seeds (found at any local health foods store)

Sm handful of nuts

1 Tbsp of Maca

Sm amount of hot pepper, you be the judge – fresh is best and avoid the seeds

Pour hot tea over the ingredients and blend for 1 – 2 minutes

This smoothie will give you a whole different type of a kick!  Energy that will last you several hours, fillimg you to thr brim with superfoods all with a familiar taste of hot cocoa!  No preservatives, nothing that isn't real.  Only raw, organic goodness to saturate your taste buds.  You can add more herbs to it as well.  Say your daily vitamin capsule opened up and poured in, or some cistnche, euccomia bark, reishi mushroom, chaga, tocotrenials, carob powder... the possibilities are endless!
Is this a dreaded phrase for people?  Do you think... eeek to be alone with myself.... no thanks!  That was the way I first perceived.  Now my soul and my mind crave that peaceful time with myself. So here is my advice....
Just start!  30 seconds, 1 minute, who cares!  This is dedicated amount of time for you to get clear with yourself anf the universe.  To allow the chaos to melt away and open up a clearer mind.  A chance to just hear your breath, or to whisper the sounds creator, source, spirit, buddha, jesus, etc over and over to pace of your inhales and exhales.  For you to be alone with spirirt and manifest your greatest self! 
Try It, right now, sit for 30 seconds in quiet and focus on one thing.  When your mind wonders smile and acknowledge it for its creativity.  Thank it and go back to your breath!  Your body, mind and soul will be so pleased!

Oh and check out this website for amazing yoga mats!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Amazing Cucumber,,, got this off of a friends blog


This information was in The New York Times several weeks ago as part of their "Spotlight on the Home" series that highlighted creative and fanciful ways to solve common problems.

1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.

3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.

4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.

5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!

6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!

7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.

8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.

9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!

10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water; the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber with react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers, and in college students during final exams..

11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.

12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean; not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but it won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.

13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Getting to know your body

Changing your eating habits is beautiful process of exploration.  As you give yourself space to get to know your body you suddenly create a body awareness that supercedes anything you have known so far.  If you add exercise or yoga into that journey you are in for a real treat!  To have body awareness is to realize that we are not of the body.  As Wayne Dyer says we are a soul with a body, rather than I body with a soul. 

In my change to raw foods about 6 to 7 months ago I went all out.  Instead of offering a transition period I just went for and ate probably 100% raw 99% of the time; maybe eating cooked foods a total of 6 times in these months.  Obviously my detox was intense and I have been purging and exploring, recently I have acquired a cold that has taken me down for about 12 days.  I have reached a detox that is so deep that my body is not yet able to handle.  I have depleted my system and it struggles to assimilate food.  Mainly this occurs because I am anemic, something that I have known for about 10 years but never really thought about.

Now that I am face to face with having to regress my detox process I am seeing it (anemia) in a much more realistic way.  So here it is, my river of life (my blood) is just barely strong enough to support my body.  If I do not nourish it with exactly what it needs it leads to situations like where I am now.  My symptoms now, to elaborate a bit, are slowed digestion, foggy and slow thinking, high stress, lack of sleep, struggle of food assimilation, high emotions, poverty mentallity (which I will explain a bit more in a minute), and extreme dryness in body with the accompaniment of mucus.  The goal of eating healhty and getting to know your diet is to reach YOUR optimal health!  I repeat YOUR optimal health!  Your body has different needs than anyone else, your genetics carry some things that may not be so for others.  This is why it is important for us to explore our eating habits and this is why I am actually very content with where I am at this point.  Because now I know, I have the realization and can find out what I need on a daily basis to support my system.  And therefore I can work on this anemia thing and maybe one day entirely overcome it!!

I believe everything is connected, what is present in the physical body will be present in the emotional and mental body, but it is kind of like the question; "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"  Did the emotion cause the physical or the physical cause the emotional.  To be completely candid about how this blood "deficiency" has effected me I will tell you what I experience every month before I start my period. 

Every month before I before I start my period I begin to feel greedy and hoarding, I feel overcome by poverty and very poor.  My energy is drained almost all the way, and I am so tired that 11 hours of sleep a night is barely enough.  My stress levels spike about money and I lose sleep when I need it the most.  After really sitting with what anemia is this all began to make total sense.  That which keeps my body alive is low, and gets even lower during that time of the month and I am about to let go of blood that my body doesn't really feel like it has the ability to let go of.  Therefore everything in my life begins to feel that way. 

This is all so apparently clear to me since I have been taking the time to get to know my body, and now that I am seeing these things and how they are linked to my thought patterns or vise versa I can begin to change, coming into my optimal health!  Though this may sound exciting and intimidating all at the same time I encourage you to begin to do the same.  Though my words of caution are that you take your time, and move a little slower than I did as I have a tendency to go all or nothing!  :)  I did it so that you didn't have too and I could share with you my discovery. 

Begin to watch your thoughts, and begin to watch your habits in all areas.  See how one plays off the other and witness it with out judgement, but with a open heart.  This way you can begin to come into your BEST self ever and maybe avoid life altering occurances!  e kind to yourself on your journey and honor your body.  Seek help and guidance from people you trust and seem to have things in common!  This will allow your journey to flow with a little more ease!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Work it out!

Got a little time this morning, or maybe this afternon after work?  I have below an incredible work out that promises to kick your butt, burn some fat, increase your endurance, and build your strength!  I hope you enjoy!  Oh and did I mention that it is only a 20 minute work out, easy to fit in and saves you money on the gym! 

Things you will need:
Stop watch
And a little bit of space to walk around for your active recovery!

30 seconds of jumping jacks
30 seconds of push ups
30 seconds lunges right leg
30 seconds holding a high push up position (hips at shoulder height and shoulders stacked over wrists, engaging the core)
30 seconds lunges left leg
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds sit ups
30 seconds squats
60 seconds active recovery (walking around allowing the heart rate to mellow out)

Repeat 3 or 4 more times!

Rehydrate with a little lemon water or fresh coconut water afterwards and enjoy the feeling of sweat! 

Work outs like this work your body at 80% - 90% of its maximum which increases your hgh levels dramatically compared to spending 1 hour at the gym going at about 60% - 70%!  Not only being healhtier for your body but also allowing you more time for life!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Water, water, and more water!

"It is just water," or its it?  We are made up of 70% water!  70% percent!  So, if something like that is such an abundant part of our make up than what makes it "just water"?!

Do you know where your water comes from?  What it has in it and what the source is?  And, did you know that 26 out of the 50 states have CHEMICALLY polluted water.  That means that if we are drinking tap water, we are polluting 70% of our body with unknown chemicals.  If we grow our vegetables and herb with tap water than we are polluting those sources of nutrition as well with these chemicals. 

There are myths of all kinds about water.  Some include that for every amount of sapring water we bottle, we destroy and equal amount.  Some say that Dasani and Aquafina are basically at tap water standards.  It is said that some of the best purified waters are equal to the benefits of tap water.  It is also said that distilled water will kill a plant faster than tap water will, so what does it do to our body?!  Your job is to research and find out what resonates with you. 

In this process I ask you to begin to consider that we are of the earth, when we die we turn back into earth, our bodies are made up of wind, earth, fire, air, and water so why would we put anything less than the very best of these components in our body?  Above I mentioned a myth, or maybe a fact about how we destroy as much tap water as we bottle, however here is my perspective...  When water errupts from a spring it multiples 4 times the amount, called magnificently enough the water multiplication effect.  When a spring is tapped with love and care we are destroying nothing,  You can find springs all over your own state, maybe even city.  A place where you can take your bottle and litteralluy place at the opening of the earth that the spirng comes from and fill up, and drink immediately.  Consider this, where is the destruction if it is that easy?  many of these springs are even free to fill up at. 

Lastl;y, when we buy bottled water we not only are usually buying meteocre water but we are buying more trash rthat will need to be recycled, more labor and chemicals that will be needed to simply recycyle that little piece of plastic. 

Consider your health, that you are composed mostly of this ingredient, that too live long what you put in your body is a number one key to longevity.  Could you survive with out water?  Can you survive long with less than the best ever water?!  Is it still "just water"?

Find local spring water at

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Monday Morning Yoga Routine

It is a beautiful Monday morning and you awake maybe thinking "ugh, Monday"!  Let's switch that around... How about it?

Get out of bed reach your fingers towards the sky and strecth feeliung the infinity of the body and the length that you are.  Walk into the bathroom brush your teeth, wash your face and look in the mirror, tell yourself :I love you, you are a beautiful soul that has a purpose to do today"!  Go drink a big glass of water with some fresh lemon and take some amazing supplements that will support you for the day!

Now, go find a quiet place to work your body out!  Take your time in these postures, about 5 to 7 breaths allowing your body to open and settle into the posture.  And most importantly ifyou do not know the posture and if it doesn't feel right then please skip it :)

Childs pose - a place to engage your breath and your intention for the day
Down dog - adhoa mukha svinasana
Right leg steps forward to a runners lunge releasing the left knee to the mat - move around create space
Left legsteps forward to meet right
Forward fold - uttanasana releasing everyting hang the neck and allow the back body to open up
Palms to shins Halfway Lift extend through the spine lengthen through the crown of the head
Step the Right Leg back for a runners lunge releasing right knee - find the space and movement of the hips
Down Dog pedal out the legs and open up the hamstrings.  gently bend to the arms to open up the back
Heal toe the feet out to about a 2.5 foot stance for a Wide Legged Forward Fold
Sink the hips towards the earth for frog  - keeping the feet firmly planted on the ground
Plant left hand on the mat and take left fingers to the sky for a frog twist
Switch out the hands and oppsosite side
Release to childs pose
Lace left arm underneath right armpit with left ear to the mat opening up the shoulder
Release to center
Lace right arm underneath the left armpit and right ear to the mat - create space
Release to childs pose - take time to roll up to sit on your heels and reach towards the sky thanking the universe for the day!

Now get up and do 3 - 5 minutes of jumping jacks.  30 seconds of jumping jacks and 30 seconds of a plank position, repeat.  Build heat in the body and strength in the core! 

Now go shower and LOVE your day!  Eat a beautiful breakfast that is full of life and color.  Maybe some apple and banana, and some mint tea!

Not only can you start your Mondays like this... but really any day of the week is great to start out by stretching and getting the breath moving through you!  It reminds you that you are alive!  AND how beautful is it that you are alive??????