Monday, April 19, 2010

Why do women have periods??? You will want to read this :)

Hmmm to ponder.... why do we...?  

What is the purpose?  And what makes us decide what is right and wrong? 

Now, please stop reading here if you think that there is going to a magc answer to all of your questions at the end of this post, because chances are rather than giving you an answer I will be challenging you to find your own answer.... at least that is my intention. 

Why do women have to have period, is this even IMPORTANT?!  (bear with me guys, I am going somewhere with this one)
Up until recently I just accepted the way it was and never questioned whether it was right or wrong or good or bad.....
My first thought was "Screw it, I no longer want to menstruate, I am done!"  But that is my tendency to ready fire aim!  This thought delayed the event by 2 weeks however and in that 2 weeks I was able to think a little bit more on this topic and here from different points of view.  Now, everyone said that I needed to menstruate and I believe they are right.  So, what I question now is whether we need to menstruate every freaking month?????  Really 7 days of this exhausting process of cleaning out the old and making space for the new......  If you are not a woman you may not understand this but we deplete our systems every month for this process... and is that really the best thing ever?

Is it healthy to be exhausted and cranky, even bitchy, to feel uncontrollable and like you want to cry, and even maybe have some extreme amounts of cramping going on?  What is healthy about this? 
(I may be overusing the question mark).
And if this is something that you are free from experiencing please reply to this post and share wat your lifestyle is like because I do feel as though that is a major factor to this topic.  I have read a few articles on the assistance of raw foods in healing this process to help it be more aligned with the earths energy, to be a more loving and kind process... one of the articles I read can be found on my Facebook page at!!!

I am sure that you probably have little interest in listening to me talk about my period this whole time, however, I wanted to pick a topic that would be highly controversial and really would catch your attention.  This is a prime example of what I am aiming for..... question everything, experience your questions and FEEL the results!  Rather than this being about scientific result, this about YOUR own personal needs and life....  after all YOU are the one that has to live with it all right?! 

One of my teachers today said "it is not about what you know but what is useful to know"  (or along those lines).  Is this the truest statement or what?!!!  What is useful for YOU to know?  Is it that religion you grew up with, is it the food triangle, is it knowlegde on being a vegan, or maybe about being in the military, or maybe it is useful for YOU to feel there is no God or ultimate power, there are unlimited choices out there, rememebr YOU live with your beliefs, so make them work for you!!!  

Rather than this world being about right or wrong, good or bad it may be time for it to be about love, acceptance, and compassion.  Herman Hesse said in Siddartha "The opposite of every truth is just as true" 

I love and appreciate you and your reading through my banter.  remember to question EVERYTHING!!!!  It is a way to find out who you are at a deeper level... ignborance is bliss and knowledge and wisdom are power over your life!!!!  Take the reins and fly!!!

Namaste!  Treat yourself the best and remember to love!

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