Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What makes us enough!

The ebbs and flows these days seem to be more so than usual.  Yesterday I was so inspired and this morning I could barely keep my head attached I just wanted to burst out of my skin.  And now I am feeling a bit of poverty mentality slipping in and dancing around telling me that I am less then enough and I have less then enough and all that blah blah blah that is less then true. 

So I have to ask myself and all of you to define what is less then enough....

Does this less then anough haveto do with what it is that we grew up with?  Is it that maybe my family grew up with less money then we needed..... and what defines it as less then what we needed.  Because we all still are alive and we lways had clothes and food and love and shelter and water?!  So what is enough?

I am abke and going on a 2 week road trip in less then 6 weeks that allows me to see many different areas and meet new people nd interview other yoga instructors and see ne w health food stores and be away.  And somewhere in this ability is fear again that there is less then enough.....  

It seems to be everywhere lately....and to be quite honest and truthful with you and with myself... it really sucks!!!  It is uncomfortable and brings anxiety amd tension into te body and the mind.  There is fear of failure and fear of loss, and the only reason that these fears exist is because I have "succeeded" and I have "gained" and with those feelings of greatness come feelings or yuckiness.  What is this programming and what aee we teaching our children and our peers when we tell them what is good and what is bad? 

If we can buy a house and pay cash does this make us better then the person who is more financially inclined to ride a bike, walk, or take public transportation?  

If we can meditate and sit still for longer periods of time does this make us better then the person who is figgety and avoids meditation?

We are enough, and we are born enough, and as much as I have to know this within myself maybe today or tomorrow or whenever you read this post you will remember that you were born enough.  This enough stays with you forever!  It is the space behind the heart that reminds us that our infinity is permanent. 

I hope this day brings you great news and great abundance!  You are the light of the world and your perfection is recognized.  Wayne Dyer speaks often about all the beauty of the world and how we can at any point access it!

Love and light and pure abundance!  Live with kindness, see beauty, feel love, know creativity, recognize endless abundance, be receptive to everything, be expansive!!!!

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