Thursday, April 15, 2010

Burn it off and light it up!

Ramp it up!!!!

30 seconds plyometric squats (squat down touch fingers to the floor and jump up, land with soft knees back in a squat position and repeat)
30 seconds Push ups
30 seconds Squats with weights (squat down and allow the waight to trace the outside of the legs, as you come back up push the weights over head, move slowly)
30 seconds Tricep push ups (hug the elbows in and lower the chest down, remain on knees and keep core strong)
30 seconds Crunches (any kind you like, keep low back flat on the mat)
30 seconds lunges w/ right leg forward and weights in both hands
30 seconds jumping jacks, or running in place
30 seconds lunges w/ left leg forward and weights in both hands
60 seconds of active recovery

Repeat 4 or 5 times, focus on alignment rather than speed! 

Keep it movin!

60 seconds of snatches (weights in both hands, squat down tracing the outside of your leg with the weights and with a burst of energy come up pushing weights up overhead)
60 seconds wall squats (stay static and take a seat against a wall, feet a little wider than hip width apart, back against the wall)
60 seconds crunches on a ball
60 seconds dead lifts (weights a little heavier than you are used to, knees barely beny hinges from the hips keeping a flat back and slowly come back up using the abs and the back to create te movement)
Repeat 3 times and then rest for 1 minute and do another 3 times and then stretch it out!

Now that we have worked out the body allow us to stimulate the mind....

A while back I made the decision that I would prefer to avoid the use of words such as "not" "can't" "don't" etc.  I was inspired to do this because a little bit of word study and self exploration about reactions to these words.... they are default words... if someone tells you "don't think about a purple elephant with yellow stripes"....... "you can't think about this elephant"...... "you are not to think about this elephant"...... where does your mind go????  To that silly elephant.  It is the same with many things.
So I began this journey and found it tobe quite a creativeprocess to surround sentences around the positive. 
Finally it clicked and the phrase "Rather than" began to replace the default negatives I was using before.  What I have discovered with this phrase "rather than"  is that it allows you to recognbize the negative and then follow up with a positive. 
For example "rather than thinking about a purple elephant with yellow stripes (allowing yourself to see it), let's draw our focus the strength in our body (shifting focus to a more positive frame of mind)". 
I hace used this is quite a few of the yoga classes that I am blessed to teach and have noticed better focus, and better response to queing.  So why would it be any different with anything else?  If we give ourselves space to acknowledge and see both sides of the situation than we can free up so much space to move into the best space!

Go ahead, take the challenge and begin to shift your wording around!  Make this and everyday that follows the best day ever!

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