Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Balance vs Force

I have been seeing a body worker for a little over 18 months now, on and off.  recently much more on than off.  This is due to the body "issues" that I have been experiencing.  Such issues are as follows:
Low back pain
Middle back pain
Shoulder pain
Anxiety when I wake up and when I fall asleep, and sometiem even all day
Tight tight hips
and an Upset tummy

Now my thought when I review this list I think "Why am I experiencing my 80's or 90's in my 20's????!!!!"

So here is the reason for this post, rather than this being a sob story this is about transformation and the importance of a strength training and work outs.    About 6 or 7 months ago I decided I was ready for the ultimate transformation, one that I knew was a long time coming.... so I got up anf left my job as well as what I had built, I stopped my yoga practice, left my eating of cooked foods behinds, and demanded of myself daily that I break everything down and re-do it! 
By leaving begind the physical such as foods and work outs and yoga behind I abandoned everything my body knew.  Now it is completely lost and with out and understanding of my physical self. 

Though I am a belieer of transforma'tion I have greatly learned that it must come at a respectful pace.  When you want transformation allow compassion for yourself and space for the transformation.  Work out, practice yoga, eat foods that are healthy and make you happy. 

I am now in the process of re-building and lookign for a place for my physical body to hang onto.  Allow me to elaborate on this....  as we grow up we create patterns that are physical reactions to the things that happen to us.  So some of my tendencies were to hold on for dear life on the right side of my body and I supported that because I worked out andpractice yoga which gave me the muscular structure to grip too.  So when I stopped all these things my body lost its grip and everything went out of place...
Now, had I continued my work out and slowly begin to incorporate work outs that allowed me to alter my habits, rather than experiencing these thinsg I may feel a little more at peace as well as strength.

In a world that demands of us, to be at the top of our game all the time.... its is important that we remember that the journey there is the most important part.  It is the little things that lead to the big things. 

I encourage you to begin to get body work and get to know your body.  As you do this you will see the perfecction it is as well as the things that you may want to see change. 

Compassion compassion compassio!  This may be resonating with you on a level other then just the body... maybe it is work, friendships, or relationships.  honor and love yourself and others.

Love and light!!!  Have the best day ever!

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