Sunday, April 11, 2010

Living a Sustainable Life!

Please take a minute, pause and think about this term.... Sustainable Living.  What does this mean to you? 
Up until recently I have never really given this much thought; and then I had a discussion with my mom and dad about Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and it spun my world sideways!  
They have been watching this show the past 2 weeks and each time have been impacted by it.  The most recent one, was about a bet with a local DJ on teaching 1000 people to cook in a week.  Some of the people had NEVER cooked before in their life; let's hit on this one first.

Never cooking in your life!  What is sustainable about this way of living?  I do realize and have compassion and empathy for people with very busy lives and sometimes cooking is less than feasable, but NEVER cooking?!  Say you are 40 years old, if you have yet to cook a meal what has your diet looked like in all these years.  Fast foods?  Pre Packaged?  Check out all the waste that comes with these foods.  First of all there is the packaging, wrappers, bags, boxes, trays, etc.  On top of that there is the recycling of these left overs, if there is any recycling.  Whether thrown oyut or recycled there are still outside energy forces being used.  As opposed to cooking in quatities or even eating fress fruits and veggies for meals which can be eliminated by garbage disposal or even composting.  This simple shift in eating helps to create a healthier lifestyle for both you and the planet, including all of the people around you.  This in itself is a MAJOR change; if you are unsure of how to prepare food or where to begin seek out a teacher, class,group, friend, etc to help you out!  Explain your goals and know your strengths with food and progression forward will be fun and easier than you think!

At some point during the show he took this DJ to a local place that sells coffins upon where he showed him what some of the coffins sold today look like.  (Please read this following article from the NY Times for more of a prespective) Please read before continuong on unless you happened to see this episode of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and know what I am getting at.

So let's look at sustainability in this area... the wider and heavier that we get the bigger the coffins.... the bigger the coffins the bigger the grave plots.... the bigger the grave plots the more Mother Earth we are polluting with things that DO NOT go away!  Maybe you are thinking that an option could be cremation; but here is a fact for you:  There is a weight limit on cremation!  That is right; being obese you may not be able to be cremated!  Therefore you or your family are going to have to invest in an extra large coffin and an extra large grave plot.  This is costly and unsustainable even in your after life. 

I care about the sustainability of this planet and those that are on this planet, as I am sure you do too.  If you, like many of us do, struggle with eating there are great resources out there that are NOT diet pills and prescriptions and stomach stapling!  If you would like more information on ways to create a more sustainable life please feel free to contact me at

For the earth to sustain us we must sustain the earth and to do that we need to live a more conscious lifestyle!
We vote everyday with our dollars!  What w e spend our money on will continue to thrive, please remember this the next time you go to buy and fast food or pre packaged foods that are pumped full of preservatives and GMO's!  We have the choice!

To the great health of us all!  It is time, and you are being called to progress forward!  Let us begin to offer up a new example for future generations, showing them what a healthy and sustainable life would look like!

Love and light to all of you!  Thank you for taking the time to read!

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