Thursday, April 22, 2010

R. E. S. P. E. C. T. find out what it means to me

Today the Earth, our Mother has given us here in Fort Collins a day of rain, with a beautiful moment of sunshine.  She is pouring down on us blessing us like holy water blesses many of religious faith.  Washing away the old and the unserving and preparing the gorund for new seeds to take root.  We are so lucky!  This is the best day ever!

As I woke up this morning and checked my facebook as I often do I came across a post that implied that Earth day is a hoax and that we should less then honor the Earth.  It implied doing donuts in a Cobra and turning on every light in the house in the name of American Liberty..... Now, I am unaware of the seriousness of this post.  I can however tell you my emotional reaction upon reading it... I was sad, and on top of sadness there has been this underlying frustration that I have been holding onto about it. 

This post made me cringe as I read the words.  My ego and my mind desperately wanted to respond with resentment as well as a challenge as to why they felt that this was an appropriate thing to say.  However, I feel as though wisdom held me back.  I pondered this continually through out the day and as you can tell I still am.  Here is my conclusion, and this conclusion roots into every area of life....

Every single person, being the intelligent beautiful, divine individuals that we are has a full right to their opinion.  This applies for every single SOUL out there.  Though my opinion is that we are made of the earth and that with out her we would be non existent that could be far from what anyone else thinks.  For me to stomp my opinion all over everything can add hatred and anger into the world, especially when we carelessly do so in a setting in which there is no clarity about the mood of the statement. 

These may be the downfalls to facebook, twitter, linkedin, texting, email, etc.  

To tell someone else that their belief is invalid is a sign of disrespect. So in respect of Mother Earth, Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Atman, etc le us take Earth Day and recognize not only that this planet allows our lives to sustain but that the opinions of every single soul on it also affords us the ability to be here.  If you believe that Mother Earth along with Earth Day is a hoax... I do ask you that you just take a moment to consider that to sustain life we need her!  We need her soil and her water, we need her fires, and her rotation around the sun for sleep. 

Take a moment tonight and respect what sustains your life, your belief systems and your morals, as well as the purpose you live by. 

respect those around you and yourself.  Practice non violence and be careful and wise with what you speak.  Wisdom is empowerment!

I wish you all a beautiful day!!  Thank you for taking the time to read the blog!  Love and light!!!!

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