Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twist and shout!

I have had some really unbelievable yoga experiences lately!  I mean WOW they have been great! 

Twists and heart openers!  Try some right now :)  Go ahead lay on your back and hug your knees into your chest then spread your arms out into a capital letter T position and take the deepest breath deep into your belly, feeling it rise against the top of your thighs, and on your exhale release your legs to the right.  Let go of your feet and allow your legs to be relaxed, gently turn your head over the left shoulder and breath.  When I say breath I mean really get into the body with it, feel it in the back and in the torso and in the lungs and taste the air in your mouth! 

Once you feel satisfied on that side then engage the belly and draw the knees back to center on the inhale.  Pause here and just take a couple of breaths.  Then proceed to the opposite side.  Entering the same way and allowing your body to move into the posture.

Take those visualization skills and move deeper and deeper into it.  See your body wringing out the old; wringing out the things that no longer serve you, mental, emotional, and physical.   And when you are satisfied on this side engagae the belly and inhale, draw the knees back to center. 

Does that feel amazing or what!!!!!! 

Now, let's open our heart to all that the universe has to offer us! 

Take a seat in Sukasana, simple seated pose. 

Find your sit bones and feel them sink deeper and deeper into the earth.  Imagine a yellow light in your solar plexus and feel it warm your whole body with every inhale and exhale.  Settle in and have a long spine; walk the hands behind you just enough to bring a gentle arch to your back and lift with your sternum.  As though someone were, ever so gently, pulling your sternum up with a string.  Keep the neck slightly relaxed while taking the gaze up to the sky, opening up the throat.  In opeing the heart and the throat simultaneously we allow the link between those 2 chakras to be activated.  Imagine te colors blue and green filling your body and soaking into your cells.  Breath deep and lift the sternum with every inhale and feel the sit bones root deeper into the earth on each exhale. 

Take your time and be there as long as you need too.  When done walk the hands forward and round through the back.  Bowing in to your heart and exploring what you have invited in.

As we go through this season change honor your body and allow movement to come into it.  Use this movement to help you flow through your days and trust.  Remember that you are in control of your life.  Total responsibility:  read the post on Ho ' oponopono.  This is brilliant and has drastically changed my life!  

This is our time to shine baby!  Happy spring and how exciting that we are apporaching the solstice!

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