Tuesday, March 16, 2010


"On horseback looking for a horse"

"Amateurs built the titanic, experts built the arc"

Take a moment and think about these quotes.  What do they lead you to think about?  Simplicity.  The answer is always right in front of us, awaiting our acknowledgment.  The starving artist no longer exists in the world, we have moved and shifted to an art of acceptance and acknowledgment.  To unfold as we should what we need to do is remove that things that cloud our true soul, rather than add extra stuff. 

In the end that stuff is just baggage, something to carry with us through the ages that will weigh us down and hold us back.  When we remove and filter through the things that are no longer serving us we lighten our load, we give ourselves the freedom to move swiftly and efficiently forward. 

So take the time everyday to lighten your load.  let go of those things:  the emotions, the materials, the layers, the walls, the titles, the categories and just take the time to be.  Remember the starving artist has died and we can simply allow the best ever to flow into our lives.  It is the easiest way :)

Blessings and peace to you on your journey!

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