Wednesday, March 17, 2010


"When we cook our food it is like telling God he did not do a good enough job"

When we declare that women DO NOT need to have a period once a month we are sayoing God was wrong in the creation process.

We are constantly working to "create" something better than what GOD did.  Constantly declaring that we know better. 

I am not saying that cooking your food is horrible, however, I am saying that when we process, condense, seal, contain, and store our food we are not only telling God that the job was less than the best ever, we are telling God that we can do better, and that there was not enough created for us.  Check out the below statement:
According to the Global Footprint Network, in the late 1980s our cumulative activities and needs began exceeding Earth's biological capacity to provide sufficient raw material and absorb wastes, and we are now more than 25% over capacity. Not surprisingly, the US has a disproportionately higher impact than does any other region, requiring the equivalent of 9 Earths to sustain its consumption and waste patterns.

We, the human race, as a whole are destroying our planet and showing a large amount of mistrust for the process.  We are determined to prove ourselves and "out do" the creator.  We are brilliant creatures, with the most powerful and destructive force on earth... the mind.  We can accomplish the most incredible tasks, we can do as much good as we can harm, we are a piece of creation!  The universe has a process though and it is constantly reminding us of that daily as we watch the winds come and go, hurricanes rake the earth clean, tornados tear up what WE have decided needs to be there, monkeys (which have been here longer than we have) tear faces off of trainers, killer whales KILL, the earth cracks deeper than we could ever go to re arrange and wake us up!  These are all reminders of how NOT in charge we are at the moment.  This can change if we surrender... 

It is important that we draw back we put ourselves into check, remind ourseles that WE are ultimately at the mercy of the world. 

Now, I just had to ask myself how I got on this rant when the first sentence of this blog was about cooking your food.... so please allow me to tie it all together!

When we act as one with the earth, when we treat her and God with the respect that they deserve such as allowing fruit to ripen fully before it gets picked, or eating vegetables fresh rather than cooking them we tell the earth and her creator that they are incredible, that we trust their knowledge.  it is a symbol of respect eat fresh food.  It is respectful to the earth to spend less energy and fuel on cooking things that really do not need to be cooked, it is respectful to grow your own garden and eat straight from it.  In this process you are being GREENER than recycling.  Stop and think about the process that is involved in processing food.  I will break it down here with the side effects of the earth:
Mass gardens = GMO's, pesticides, labor
Machinery and fuel to obtain the product (face t there is not someone going out and picking each little corn cob or raisin)
The factories: electricity, more fuel, more workers, light, water, heat, AC, packaging (boxes, wrappers, bags, styrofoam, etc)
The trucks: fuel fuel and more fuel (these trucks are not hybrid, you can see what comes out of them
The stores: electricity, heat, AC, water, workers
WASTE!  What does not get used or sold gets THROWN AWAY!!!!!!!!

I ask you to consider the respect for our mother and for her creator.  Please consider your own garden even if it is only herbs, or lettuce or just a carrot.  Cut back on supporting the things that are truly out of control and begin to support the forces that are in control.  Trust that our bodies are created perfect enough, that our food is nourishing enough, that water from the earth (natural spring form) is the cleanest and best water for you. 

Show this love and trust to the earth and her creator and love will be shown back.  Let's change the dynamic and trust the process. 

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