Friday, March 5, 2010

Sweet delicious yoga

There is something about yoga. When you can go and soak out the day in a hot room flowing with your breath and shaing space with so many other like minded people.  It makes me melt! 

I had gotten away from a fast paced class in the past couple of months, mainly because I was progressing mentally at such a high speed that if my body kept uyp with my mind I would have self destructed.  This slow pace was broken on the vacation to AZ when we took part in a candlelight yoga class... doesn't that sound beautiful?  Candlelight yoga, my body was so excited.  Then we got started and within minutes I felt like I was abou to ecxplode from frustration!  My ego mind was screaming "why would she flow so fast"  "why is it so hot in here" "why is this kind of music playing" etc. 

I took childs pose a few times and allowed myself some slack and pushed in other areas.  I was so overjoyed when it was time for sivasana!  I could hardly stand it, I wanted out of the sweaty hot room and the quick breath.  I was so sure that the people I was with would be in total agreeance with me.  HA!   I really love the way the universe works, it was magnificent as Jake and Terra were both glowing and feeling great.  Terra was wide open to everything and Jake was so full of love he looked like he may split.  And I was fuming?????  What was wrong with me?  I just got to do yoga with 2 very dear people! 

I took time to savor what I was feeling, to find joy in that discomfort and to find joy in the fact that they felt so good.  I paused and allowed it to sink in, and you want to know what happened?  I began to crave this practice, this fast paced intense heat moments where I could sweat it out and ear it leave my body and fall to the mat.  I began to crave feeling so tired at the end of class that my body would no longer stand up. 

So I am starting a new practice, once a week I am going to purposefully make myself very uncomfortable and do a warm/hot flow based class and I am going to sweat out what ails me!  I am going to purge it and be free! 

I did one of these classes last night and could hardly believe the way I felt, I was glowing and peeled so far open with desire and purity.  I am excited!!

I encourage you to go out today and find something that causes you to step out of those tight little boxes we use to protect ourselves from our own shit!  Find what it is that will help you to see it in a different way.  Revel in it, bathe in its light and sing its praise!

Because when we are stuck in our bodies we are stuck in our minds! 

Namaste and great abundant love to you!

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