Monday, March 22, 2010

Rebel, control, surrender

Today I discovered that I have a problem with authority!  Not just that I think it is less than the best ever, but ultimately I hard core all the way rebel against it. 

I was teaching a yoga class and at the end I went out and had a text message on my phone that implied short notice of a work related topic.  My very first response was "I can't do this"!!!  I was beyond frustrated that this job that I truly do love was getting in the way of my lack of plans :)  I say lack of plans because what I had planned was a yoga class, one all to myself that I had not participated in in quite a while.  I refused to even give it another thought... I was going to find a way out of this and I was going to MY yoga class!  Walking back into see my stiudents I suddenyl reslized in the pit of my stomach that I do this a lot.  I very often deny what I am asked to do because I feel as though it is an inconvenience to me..... ME ME ME, I I I!!!  Time to get over it!   I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH AUTHORITY!  Before class began I had posted on my facebook post that I was going to commit to my life 100%!  So I decided I would stand by that.  Commting means total responsibility which means the entire world around us is what we commit too.  (For more on total responsibility please read my post about Ho'oponopono). 

Great!  So I saw my habit and was able to acknowledge to a full extent that I have gotten in my way severely many times over by doing this rebel against authority thing.  But where does this stem from, what is my ultimate issue with authority and why do I feel such a need to go against it as a knee jerk reaction?!  So this is something I am committing too, I will stop and breathe when something does not go my exact way and when I become slightly out of control...  I will pause and ask myself if tis goes against my boundaries or if it is for the higher good of everyone. 

Times are speeding up and asking of us quick changes, it is important that we take the time to consider things and hear them.  As you progress forward in your days on this quickly evolvingplanet I ask you to have awareness of the world around you.  You are beautiful and full of love!  When you begin to feel out of control take a childs pose (knees apart big toes together forhead to the floor) and surrender.  They say that it is impossible to feel anger in this pose; as well it helps you to sleep after you have had disruptive dreams and calms the mind!

Namaste and may we all go to bed thinking about the boudnaries we have in our own lives and the ways that we may help others!  May your hearts be open!


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