Friday, March 26, 2010

Shifting the vibration to love and compassion

New Beginnings!

I am sure of one thing in my life and that is of my tendency to get stuck in my own head and mind.  In recent exploration of this I have discovered that that this has inhibited my success in many ways.  I overthink, over analyze, ponder, question, rebel, and get emotional about the places that I "SHOULD" be rather than fulling loving and accepting what I right here and now in this present moment.  I have compared and decided on a daily basis that I am less than the best because I am currently building a business rather than owning my own business like so many of my peers do.  And now I am exhausted and ready to let it all go.

This discovery came recently when I was feeling a lot of frustration towards a local peer about their place in my life, I was feeling deceived and betrayed over a situation I truly knew very little about.  After weeks in this frustration I decided that I had had enough of my own wallowing and it was time to just love them.  So I did, I went to a class they were teaching and had one of the best experiences of my life and while being challenged in this class suddenly saw that all of this frustration I was feeling was simply because this beautiful divine being had so many accomplishments and I was feeling inferior.  To compensate for this feeling of inferiority my mind, my ego made up this big long story of betrayal and deception because it refused to admit it was feeling jealous.  

That moment was just the beginning of what else would unravel for me through out the rest of the day.  As it progressed hour by hour I saw more and more into the depths of this habit I had created.  I workedit out, I walked, I practiced yoga, I sweated, I ate a lot of nourishing food, I napped and I journalled about how I am enough for where I am right now.  I sat down and voiced to Jake a little bit about where I was and then went to bed feeling freed from habit and a little bit uncertain of where to go from there. 

Today I woke up totally full of compassion and love with very little memory of the feelings of envy and desire.  And of course as synchronicity would have it, the yoga class I took tonight was dedicated to feeling where we are rather than where we have been or want to be.  It was an incredible day and I am inspired to continue working towards this path of full and total acceptance of MY own personal journey.

How as a society do we work at this acceptance? 

My idea is that this acceptance is found in a sacred space of silence.... meditation!  In meditation we can begin to train our minds to be at peace with the thoughts that move through it.  It is also continually being proven that repeating a mantra over and over again soldifies the feelings in the body.  Repeating the words Om Shanti again and again gives the vibration of peace to the body and to the soul.  Therefor not only having an impact on you but also on the people that you come in contact with you. 

Maybe before climbing in bed tonight or before climbing out of bed tomorrow morning you repeat to yourself that you are enough and that wherever you are now is EXACTLY where you need to be!  Thus, laying trust in the creator and the process. 

Below you may find and attachemnt for a small article on mantras!/notes/sri-swami-satchidananda/where-should-it-begin-27-march/337282025682

Love light and happoiness to all of you on your journey, may we remember each moment that it is enough!

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