Monday, March 29, 2010


Why do we say Namaste at the end of a yoga class?

Hmm I have never even thought to question this until I recently began a new teacher training and we did not say it after every single practice....  Now I am wondering why some of choose to do so.

Maybe it is because people like to be appreciated or maybe it is that we love to show appreciation.  What if we started out a class by sayng Namaste and allowing our studenyts to feel the love, appreciation, compassion, and safety of their practoce before they moved into this sacred space ofa practice.  Could it be something that eased the tension and maybe allowed them to feel a bit more secure in whatever shape their practice may take that day?

I read once that it is good to question everything that we are told, and this is something that I have never questioned.  So maybe today we can take a step back and begin to ask ourselves what about this "Namaste"  feels so good at the end of class?  And where would you like your namaste to be?

Namsaste :)  Love and Light!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Shifting the vibration to love and compassion

New Beginnings!

I am sure of one thing in my life and that is of my tendency to get stuck in my own head and mind.  In recent exploration of this I have discovered that that this has inhibited my success in many ways.  I overthink, over analyze, ponder, question, rebel, and get emotional about the places that I "SHOULD" be rather than fulling loving and accepting what I right here and now in this present moment.  I have compared and decided on a daily basis that I am less than the best because I am currently building a business rather than owning my own business like so many of my peers do.  And now I am exhausted and ready to let it all go.

This discovery came recently when I was feeling a lot of frustration towards a local peer about their place in my life, I was feeling deceived and betrayed over a situation I truly knew very little about.  After weeks in this frustration I decided that I had had enough of my own wallowing and it was time to just love them.  So I did, I went to a class they were teaching and had one of the best experiences of my life and while being challenged in this class suddenly saw that all of this frustration I was feeling was simply because this beautiful divine being had so many accomplishments and I was feeling inferior.  To compensate for this feeling of inferiority my mind, my ego made up this big long story of betrayal and deception because it refused to admit it was feeling jealous.  

That moment was just the beginning of what else would unravel for me through out the rest of the day.  As it progressed hour by hour I saw more and more into the depths of this habit I had created.  I workedit out, I walked, I practiced yoga, I sweated, I ate a lot of nourishing food, I napped and I journalled about how I am enough for where I am right now.  I sat down and voiced to Jake a little bit about where I was and then went to bed feeling freed from habit and a little bit uncertain of where to go from there. 

Today I woke up totally full of compassion and love with very little memory of the feelings of envy and desire.  And of course as synchronicity would have it, the yoga class I took tonight was dedicated to feeling where we are rather than where we have been or want to be.  It was an incredible day and I am inspired to continue working towards this path of full and total acceptance of MY own personal journey.

How as a society do we work at this acceptance? 

My idea is that this acceptance is found in a sacred space of silence.... meditation!  In meditation we can begin to train our minds to be at peace with the thoughts that move through it.  It is also continually being proven that repeating a mantra over and over again soldifies the feelings in the body.  Repeating the words Om Shanti again and again gives the vibration of peace to the body and to the soul.  Therefor not only having an impact on you but also on the people that you come in contact with you. 

Maybe before climbing in bed tonight or before climbing out of bed tomorrow morning you repeat to yourself that you are enough and that wherever you are now is EXACTLY where you need to be!  Thus, laying trust in the creator and the process. 

Below you may find and attachemnt for a small article on mantras!/notes/sri-swami-satchidananda/where-should-it-begin-27-march/337282025682

Love light and happoiness to all of you on your journey, may we remember each moment that it is enough!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Rebel, control, surrender

Today I discovered that I have a problem with authority!  Not just that I think it is less than the best ever, but ultimately I hard core all the way rebel against it. 

I was teaching a yoga class and at the end I went out and had a text message on my phone that implied short notice of a work related topic.  My very first response was "I can't do this"!!!  I was beyond frustrated that this job that I truly do love was getting in the way of my lack of plans :)  I say lack of plans because what I had planned was a yoga class, one all to myself that I had not participated in in quite a while.  I refused to even give it another thought... I was going to find a way out of this and I was going to MY yoga class!  Walking back into see my stiudents I suddenyl reslized in the pit of my stomach that I do this a lot.  I very often deny what I am asked to do because I feel as though it is an inconvenience to me..... ME ME ME, I I I!!!  Time to get over it!   I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH AUTHORITY!  Before class began I had posted on my facebook post that I was going to commit to my life 100%!  So I decided I would stand by that.  Commting means total responsibility which means the entire world around us is what we commit too.  (For more on total responsibility please read my post about Ho'oponopono). 

Great!  So I saw my habit and was able to acknowledge to a full extent that I have gotten in my way severely many times over by doing this rebel against authority thing.  But where does this stem from, what is my ultimate issue with authority and why do I feel such a need to go against it as a knee jerk reaction?!  So this is something I am committing too, I will stop and breathe when something does not go my exact way and when I become slightly out of control...  I will pause and ask myself if tis goes against my boundaries or if it is for the higher good of everyone. 

Times are speeding up and asking of us quick changes, it is important that we take the time to consider things and hear them.  As you progress forward in your days on this quickly evolvingplanet I ask you to have awareness of the world around you.  You are beautiful and full of love!  When you begin to feel out of control take a childs pose (knees apart big toes together forhead to the floor) and surrender.  They say that it is impossible to feel anger in this pose; as well it helps you to sleep after you have had disruptive dreams and calms the mind!

Namaste and may we all go to bed thinking about the boudnaries we have in our own lives and the ways that we may help others!  May your hearts be open!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Knowledge is power!

Whoa I am dosed on this smoothie!  I had to share the recipe, it is truly one delicious treat!!! 

1/2 bag of frozen blueberries
1/2 a bag of frozen strawberries
1/2 a banana
1/2 a dried date
2 tsp carob powder
1 tsp tocotrienols 
Water - however much you would like depending on how thick you like it!
1 egg yolk for the rocking benefits of DHA!!!

It is so important to be educated on your food and why you eat it so please check out the links above!  Sit back and enjoy chew your smoothie and take your time!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


"When we cook our food it is like telling God he did not do a good enough job"

When we declare that women DO NOT need to have a period once a month we are sayoing God was wrong in the creation process.

We are constantly working to "create" something better than what GOD did.  Constantly declaring that we know better. 

I am not saying that cooking your food is horrible, however, I am saying that when we process, condense, seal, contain, and store our food we are not only telling God that the job was less than the best ever, we are telling God that we can do better, and that there was not enough created for us.  Check out the below statement:
According to the Global Footprint Network, in the late 1980s our cumulative activities and needs began exceeding Earth's biological capacity to provide sufficient raw material and absorb wastes, and we are now more than 25% over capacity. Not surprisingly, the US has a disproportionately higher impact than does any other region, requiring the equivalent of 9 Earths to sustain its consumption and waste patterns.

We, the human race, as a whole are destroying our planet and showing a large amount of mistrust for the process.  We are determined to prove ourselves and "out do" the creator.  We are brilliant creatures, with the most powerful and destructive force on earth... the mind.  We can accomplish the most incredible tasks, we can do as much good as we can harm, we are a piece of creation!  The universe has a process though and it is constantly reminding us of that daily as we watch the winds come and go, hurricanes rake the earth clean, tornados tear up what WE have decided needs to be there, monkeys (which have been here longer than we have) tear faces off of trainers, killer whales KILL, the earth cracks deeper than we could ever go to re arrange and wake us up!  These are all reminders of how NOT in charge we are at the moment.  This can change if we surrender... 

It is important that we draw back we put ourselves into check, remind ourseles that WE are ultimately at the mercy of the world. 

Now, I just had to ask myself how I got on this rant when the first sentence of this blog was about cooking your food.... so please allow me to tie it all together!

When we act as one with the earth, when we treat her and God with the respect that they deserve such as allowing fruit to ripen fully before it gets picked, or eating vegetables fresh rather than cooking them we tell the earth and her creator that they are incredible, that we trust their knowledge.  it is a symbol of respect eat fresh food.  It is respectful to the earth to spend less energy and fuel on cooking things that really do not need to be cooked, it is respectful to grow your own garden and eat straight from it.  In this process you are being GREENER than recycling.  Stop and think about the process that is involved in processing food.  I will break it down here with the side effects of the earth:
Mass gardens = GMO's, pesticides, labor
Machinery and fuel to obtain the product (face t there is not someone going out and picking each little corn cob or raisin)
The factories: electricity, more fuel, more workers, light, water, heat, AC, packaging (boxes, wrappers, bags, styrofoam, etc)
The trucks: fuel fuel and more fuel (these trucks are not hybrid, you can see what comes out of them
The stores: electricity, heat, AC, water, workers
WASTE!  What does not get used or sold gets THROWN AWAY!!!!!!!!

I ask you to consider the respect for our mother and for her creator.  Please consider your own garden even if it is only herbs, or lettuce or just a carrot.  Cut back on supporting the things that are truly out of control and begin to support the forces that are in control.  Trust that our bodies are created perfect enough, that our food is nourishing enough, that water from the earth (natural spring form) is the cleanest and best water for you. 

Show this love and trust to the earth and her creator and love will be shown back.  Let's change the dynamic and trust the process. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


"On horseback looking for a horse"

"Amateurs built the titanic, experts built the arc"

Take a moment and think about these quotes.  What do they lead you to think about?  Simplicity.  The answer is always right in front of us, awaiting our acknowledgment.  The starving artist no longer exists in the world, we have moved and shifted to an art of acceptance and acknowledgment.  To unfold as we should what we need to do is remove that things that cloud our true soul, rather than add extra stuff. 

In the end that stuff is just baggage, something to carry with us through the ages that will weigh us down and hold us back.  When we remove and filter through the things that are no longer serving us we lighten our load, we give ourselves the freedom to move swiftly and efficiently forward. 

So take the time everyday to lighten your load.  let go of those things:  the emotions, the materials, the layers, the walls, the titles, the categories and just take the time to be.  Remember the starving artist has died and we can simply allow the best ever to flow into our lives.  It is the easiest way :)

Blessings and peace to you on your journey!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I have asked for transformation in my life; when I say transformation I mean head to toe, inside out remodel!  Why?   Well, because I want to activate at my highest possible level.  I want, and have reuqested divine transformation.  I use a spray daily call Volcano Juice that uses the rocks of the earth to activate the energy in my body to shift.  I get body work done on a regular basis, i eat raw food mostly, I ready and meditate and practice yoga.  I do this all to work out the effects of 25 years of bad habits both physical and mental.  I have gotten somewhat used to discomfort in ths process; somedays I feel out of my mind and others I see major breakthroughs in old patterns.  For days, weeks, or months at a time my body can hurt and has; always with the outcome of breakthroughs though!

But tonight is something brand new and like nothing I have ever felt. 

On Sunday I had an experience in yoga that caused the break up of some serious scar tissue in the right side neck.  However, because this happened I woke up Monday morning with a rather large knot in the left side of my neck that caused some major discomfort.  At first it was all in the neck, and then it hit the right side of my back and then my left knee.  I was all locked up and tight in these areas, so after having a massage and still feeling rather tight I decided to go see a dear friend that is a physical therapist. 

She began to work on my back getting rather deep into my fascia to loosen it up.  There was instany improval, it was truly incredible to feel.  My range of motion got better and I was learning a better way to stand and get my body back in alignment.  Thsat night I went to work, waittressing, which I definitely felt by the end of the night.  When I went to bed I could feel some discomfort setting into my shoulder, but it was just enough that I could not lay on that side.
By the middle of the night 2am or 3am I could barely stand the pain that was in the body.  It spread through out my entire body and deep down into the deepest parts of the muscles.  A burning pain, and somehow I managed to get back to sleep for an hour or so before I woke up again.  Unable to lay on either side, or any side for that matter I ended up sitting up in a ball.  Nothing helped.  it was staying with me.  I began to cry and cry because there was nowhere for it to go.  My body felt like it was trying to relax and my habits felt like they were holding it back. 

By habits, I mean the physcal tension I have held in my body for so much of my life.  The tightness that I had become familiar with was at war with this new found space that was in my body.  I was up for 2 hours before the pain began to get tolerable, before I could go back to bed and fal asleep.  In these 2 hours I really began to analyze the situation. 

This feeling was my body trying to become its best self yet, and these habits were trying there very hardest to keep that from happening.  It was a full on war between Light and dark.  There was no winner and probably never will be one.  They both exist inside all of us and it is the one we give the attention too that will have more power. 

Last night I was given the blessing to see thedarkest aspects of my physical form trying to hold back my highest self.  Physical always translates energetic and vise versa.  All the patterns we create in our life will once be drawn out into the light, it is all about what you make of it.  I wanted death last night and with the rising of the sun came the rising of hope and thoughts that I am breaking through into this transformatiom that I have been asking for. 

Check in with yourself often, see what habits you are holding on too, and are you ready to give attention to your healthier habits so that you too can transform into that beaming light that is unstoppable in what it does and becomes?!

With much love!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twist and shout!

I have had some really unbelievable yoga experiences lately!  I mean WOW they have been great! 

Twists and heart openers!  Try some right now :)  Go ahead lay on your back and hug your knees into your chest then spread your arms out into a capital letter T position and take the deepest breath deep into your belly, feeling it rise against the top of your thighs, and on your exhale release your legs to the right.  Let go of your feet and allow your legs to be relaxed, gently turn your head over the left shoulder and breath.  When I say breath I mean really get into the body with it, feel it in the back and in the torso and in the lungs and taste the air in your mouth! 

Once you feel satisfied on that side then engage the belly and draw the knees back to center on the inhale.  Pause here and just take a couple of breaths.  Then proceed to the opposite side.  Entering the same way and allowing your body to move into the posture.

Take those visualization skills and move deeper and deeper into it.  See your body wringing out the old; wringing out the things that no longer serve you, mental, emotional, and physical.   And when you are satisfied on this side engagae the belly and inhale, draw the knees back to center. 

Does that feel amazing or what!!!!!! 

Now, let's open our heart to all that the universe has to offer us! 

Take a seat in Sukasana, simple seated pose. 

Find your sit bones and feel them sink deeper and deeper into the earth.  Imagine a yellow light in your solar plexus and feel it warm your whole body with every inhale and exhale.  Settle in and have a long spine; walk the hands behind you just enough to bring a gentle arch to your back and lift with your sternum.  As though someone were, ever so gently, pulling your sternum up with a string.  Keep the neck slightly relaxed while taking the gaze up to the sky, opening up the throat.  In opeing the heart and the throat simultaneously we allow the link between those 2 chakras to be activated.  Imagine te colors blue and green filling your body and soaking into your cells.  Breath deep and lift the sternum with every inhale and feel the sit bones root deeper into the earth on each exhale. 

Take your time and be there as long as you need too.  When done walk the hands forward and round through the back.  Bowing in to your heart and exploring what you have invited in.

As we go through this season change honor your body and allow movement to come into it.  Use this movement to help you flow through your days and trust.  Remember that you are in control of your life.  Total responsibility:  read the post on Ho ' oponopono.  This is brilliant and has drastically changed my life!  

This is our time to shine baby!  Happy spring and how exciting that we are apporaching the solstice!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I have had quite a case of writer's block on this subject and have written and erased many time.  So instead of trying to offer advice on community I am going to tell you what it means to me, what this looks like for me. 

Recently I have started to explore more of what my morals are and have gone through the process of learning who I was as a kid and where I begin to fall away from my true self.  As with all of us I think it starts at a young age that we begin to lose our true spirirt.  We are told how to look, what is right and wrong, what looksgood and bad.  All of these opinions get pumped into our heads and we turn into, well, our parents quite honestlybecause that is where we learn majority of our life.  Now that I havr gone on about something indirectly related to the topic of community....

I was recently asked to imagine my life as if there were no obstacles in the way at all... what would I want?  Here was my answer:  I want to live in deep forest with an ocean near by.  I would live in the trees with many others and we would all farm and sustain ourselves by the earth.  We drink spring water and raise families as a community, we are healers, lovers, and hard workers and we take full responsibility for our lives as well as the lives around us.  We are kind to the earth and use only materials that she is able to digest well.  We talk o f ideas rather than events, support love and live free from fear.  We share and offer up the greatest of ourselves to eevryone around us.  We learn our strengths at a young age, rather than being told what our strengths should be.  We are free from violence and greed because we fully accept ourselves. 

This is the life I want, the community I will work to build.  I will support these thoughts everyay in my life.  Making the choices to connect with and support those that have a very similar life idea. 

I ask that if you are interested in my blog then please check out the ones below.  They are all fantastic and all very supportive of a sustainable lifestyle.  Thank you for listening an thank you for your support in reading this.

Have the best day of your life!!!!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sweet delicious yoga

There is something about yoga. When you can go and soak out the day in a hot room flowing with your breath and shaing space with so many other like minded people.  It makes me melt! 

I had gotten away from a fast paced class in the past couple of months, mainly because I was progressing mentally at such a high speed that if my body kept uyp with my mind I would have self destructed.  This slow pace was broken on the vacation to AZ when we took part in a candlelight yoga class... doesn't that sound beautiful?  Candlelight yoga, my body was so excited.  Then we got started and within minutes I felt like I was abou to ecxplode from frustration!  My ego mind was screaming "why would she flow so fast"  "why is it so hot in here" "why is this kind of music playing" etc. 

I took childs pose a few times and allowed myself some slack and pushed in other areas.  I was so overjoyed when it was time for sivasana!  I could hardly stand it, I wanted out of the sweaty hot room and the quick breath.  I was so sure that the people I was with would be in total agreeance with me.  HA!   I really love the way the universe works, it was magnificent as Jake and Terra were both glowing and feeling great.  Terra was wide open to everything and Jake was so full of love he looked like he may split.  And I was fuming?????  What was wrong with me?  I just got to do yoga with 2 very dear people! 

I took time to savor what I was feeling, to find joy in that discomfort and to find joy in the fact that they felt so good.  I paused and allowed it to sink in, and you want to know what happened?  I began to crave this practice, this fast paced intense heat moments where I could sweat it out and ear it leave my body and fall to the mat.  I began to crave feeling so tired at the end of class that my body would no longer stand up. 

So I am starting a new practice, once a week I am going to purposefully make myself very uncomfortable and do a warm/hot flow based class and I am going to sweat out what ails me!  I am going to purge it and be free! 

I did one of these classes last night and could hardly believe the way I felt, I was glowing and peeled so far open with desire and purity.  I am excited!!

I encourage you to go out today and find something that causes you to step out of those tight little boxes we use to protect ourselves from our own shit!  Find what it is that will help you to see it in a different way.  Revel in it, bathe in its light and sing its praise!

Because when we are stuck in our bodies we are stuck in our minds! 

Namaste and great abundant love to you!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whew, been a while!

I have to tell you I kind of needed a break from my own mind, I got refreshed, went to AZ where I got a sunburn!!!!!!!  If you are in CO right now you know this is huge!!  I am revived I feel empowered and driven and ready to take on the world :) 

I saw one of my dearest friends, she is so beautiful I am drawn to her like a magnet!  I got to spend time with 2 people that I dearly love and cross an incredible threshold with my boyfriend Jake.  He has been such a gift to my life, and I too his.  This weekend away offered us a lot fo time together and by the end of that time we were sick of each other ha ha!!!  I mean over 4 days in the same sudio apartment, same car, same stores, same everything was a lot to handle, especially with the shifts that this planet is offering us.  Low and behold on our way to the airport we just begin to snap at one another; now neither of us was right or wrong anywhere along the lines it was just a release of tension.  

We were sitting in opposite areas of the airport, as I was sitting there I was thinking about something my friend Terra told me about over the weekend called Ho'oponopono ( I attached the article below), Jake came over to me to apologize and I explained to him the process of this Ho'oponopono which is acting in humility, love and gratitude and than I proceeded by using the technique on him.  Basically the technique is this:
I am so so sorry for what happened (whether you feel you are in the right or not) - HUMILITY
I love you - LOVE
Thank you so much for everything you are (whether you fully feel this at the moment) - GRATITUDE

This changed the full dynamic of the situation and the feelings.  After all there is really nothing worth fighting for.  Love and peace and acceprance flow with grace when allowed.  We just need to create the space for this to happen.  Soemtimes this space means biting the bullet of the ego and recognizing something far more important.  

Use this trick, read this article, soak in the vast ability to be at peace and when you use this process of Ho'oponopono recognize that you are making the world a better place!

I'm sorry and I love you


By Joe Vitale

"Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete

ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The

psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to

see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the

patient improved.

"When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How

could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best

self-improvement master cure the criminally insane? It didn't make any

sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story.

"However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had

used a Hawaiian healing process called ho 'oponopono. I had never heard of

it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I

had to know more. I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean

that I am responsible for what I think and do. Beyond that, it's out of my

hands. I think that most people think of total responsibility that ay.

We're responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does--but that's


"The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people would teach

me an advanced new perspective about total responsibility. His name is Dr.

Ihaleakala Hew Len. We probably spent an hour talking on our first phone

call. I asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a

therapist. He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four

years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous.

Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or

simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against

the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant

place to live, work, or visit.

"Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office

and to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work

on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal.

"'After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed

to walk freely,' he told me. 'Others who had to be heavily medicated were

getting off their medications. And those who had no chance of ever being

released were being freed.' I was in awe. 'Not only that,' he went on,

'but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover

disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients

were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that

ward is closed.'

"This is where I had to ask the million dollar question: 'What were you

doing within yourself that caused those people to change?'

"'I was simply healing the part of me that created them,' he said. I

didn't understand. Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your

life means that everything in your life- simply because it is in your

life--is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your


"Whew. This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is

one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is

quite another. Yet, the truth is this: if you take complete responsibility

for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way

experience is your responsibility because it is in your life. This means

that terrorist activity, the president, the economy or anything you

experience and don't like--is up for you to heal. They don't exist, in a

manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you. The problem

isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change


"I know this is tough to grasp, let alone accept or actually live. Blame

is far easier than total responsibility, but as I spoke with Dr. Len, I

began to realize that healing for him and in ho 'oponopono means loving


"If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you want

to cure anyone, even a mentally ill criminal you do it by healing you.

"I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. What was he doing,

exactly, when he looked at those patients' files?

"'I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again,'

he explained.

"That's it?

"That's it.

"Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself,

and as you improve yourself, you improve your world.

"Let me give you a quick example of how this works: one day, someone sent

me an email that upset me. In the past I would have handled it by working

on my emotional hot buttons or by trying to reason with the person who

sent the nasty message.

"This time, I decided to try Dr. Len's method. I kept silently saying,

'I'm sorry' and 'I love you,' I didn't say it to anyone in particular. I

was simply evoking the spirit of love to heal within me what was creating

the outer circumstance.

"Within an hour I got an e-mail from the same person. He apologized for

his previous message. Keep in mind that I didn't take any outward action

to get that apology. I didn't even write him back. Yet, by saying 'I love

you,' I somehow healed within me what was creating him.

"I later attended a ho 'oponopono workshop run by Dr. Len. He's now 70

years old, considered a grandfatherly shaman, and is somewhat reclusive.

He praised my book, The Attractor Factor. He told me that as I improve

myself, my book's vibration will raise, and everyone will feel it when

they read it. In short, as I improve, my readers will improve.

"'What about the books that are already sold and out there?' I asked.

"'They aren't out there,' he explained, once again blowing my mind with

his mystic wisdom. 'They are still in you.' In short, there is no out

there. It would take a whole book to explain this advanced technique with

the depth it deserves.

"Suffice It to say that whenever you want to improve anything in your

life, there's only one place to look: inside you. When you look, do it

with love."


Based on this article, if you choose to, you can go into this activity with the outlook that everyone is a reflection of things inside of you. When you are gazing into the eyes of your fellow USG members, see what you recognize inside them. Being incredible leaders, we have all faced challenges and we have all felt success. We have been pushed beyond limits and fallen short of goals. Do you recognize these qualities in each other?