Monday, May 3, 2010

A gift for you!

Hey Everyone! Is this the most beautiful day ever or what?!!

Below you will find a list of the services that I provide as well as the cost of the services:

Yoga Instruction

Private sessions:
$45 for 45 minutes or $50 for 1 hour

Group sessions:
3 to 5 people - $75 per hour
5 or more people - $65 per hour

Personal Training
Same pricing as the yoga!

Raw Food Counseling
(Since I am still in the process of getting this certification I will be offering these sessions at half price)

Consultation is $35
Raw Food Cleanse Guidance is $75 for 3 days (this will include shopping together and a menu lay out that is personalized to you)

I am so excited about the ability to offer all of these amazing opportunities for you to improve your health!

To kick start off this amazing opporunity I am offering each and every one of a you a free 30 minute consultation on any of the above things! If you would like to know more about 2 or even all 3 then we will make that work!!!

Have the very best day of your life and I look forward to meeting with all of you!
Adriane Ehmann or 970-776-6731 to collect your Gift!

Friday, April 30, 2010

I love.....But......

I love you, but....
I really like your style, but....
I hear what you are saying, but.....
I want to continue this relationship, but....
But... WHAT?!  But what?  I ask you this today because what is the word but? 

Frankly I am over this word and its condescending purpose.....  If you hear "I love you, but...."  What does your mind hear?  It hears the BUT!!!!  Forget the I love you because all of the sudden there are stipulations to the Love or the Like of the sentence. 

Another word to count out of my dictionary I suppose! 

As I journey forth in this letting go of the word but I have noticed more and more my hearing it; as this would naturally happen when you place energy into something.  
But (ha ha) why am I hearing this word so much?  Is it my own sense f doubt that is being projected right back at me through those I love and appreciate as they tell me 
"I think you have some really good points.... but... I think you could / need to use more punctuation"
Translation in my mind is "They really do not appreciate my writing if they put that BUT in there"
or there is this one

The other one I heard lately is a bit too personal too share at this moment in time but it runs along the same lines.

List of words I am doing my best to use minimally in my vocabulary:
and most recently But

Here is my reasoning behind this.....
Everyone placed on this planet has a distinct path that THEY must follow.... rather than it being my duty to point out all they could or should be doing right I really want to just support them fully as they venture forth.  All truth is different and all Trurh is correct.  Love is what everything comes down too, it is the emotion or feeling that we are created by and I personally think and feel that these aboe words move people away from who they are.  

I am ready to receive respect and I am prepared to give respect.  And sometimes that means shutting your mouth off and just allowing someone to be on their path instead of speaking your opinion about where they should be.     

To end allow yourself to take amoment and think about how often we "But" ourselves and see what resonates with you!  Maybe I am looking at it from an area of currently being shut down to constructive criticism and maybe that is all that the "But" is.  :)

Love and light!  Bless your day and bless your life!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

SNOW!??! Time for a little reflection on winter!

Three work outs today!!!  One for the physical, one for the physical and mental, and one for the emotional!!

Let's get it started with the physical!! 

Woot Woot!  Put on some good upbeat motivational music!  Get a stop watch or a timer,  and get excited!

30 seconds Jumping Jacks
30 seconds Push ups
30 seconds Mountain Climbers
30 seconds Crab Walk
30 seconds Jumping Jacks
30 seconds Crunches with legs up towards te ceiling
30 seconds Mountain Climbers
30 seconds squat presses
60 seconds of rest

Repeat 4 or 5 times!!!  You are going to feel so amazing!!!

Time for a little yoga! 

If you are unfamiliar with yoga please skip  this part and just do some light stretching with focus on your breath.

Basic rules to follow:
Inhale expand the body (example rising up to standing)
Exhale contract the body (example forward fold)
Hold the postures as long as you desire
Focus is on the breath, allow theposture to take the whole inhale or exhale
Body is engagaed and strong in postures

Begin in Childs Pose (Balasana)
Down Dog (Adho Mukha Svinasana)
Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
Rise to standing arms toward the sky (Tadasana)
Half lift
Plank (Chataranga)
Adho Mukha Svinasana
Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana) right leg forward
Adho Mukha Svinasana
Anjaneyasana left leg forward
Step foward to uttanasana
Half way lift

Repeat this sequence until you feel satisfied, adding in any twists or variations with the crescent lunges!
End in balasana or sivasana taking time to feel the openess in the body!

Now to exercise the emotions!

With is being spring time it is a time of re-birth, a time to evaluate that which we are and that which we desire to become.  So today take a few minutes to reflect on your winter, see the things that you once were and see the things you wish to become.  Allow your ego to take a step back and recognize that this time of year is an amazing time to open up to new things and let go of the old. 
Write down your 5 successes of your winter
and then
Write down your 5 goals for your summer

This will set your mind to succeed, allowing you to feel gratitude and love for everything that you have done.
Now these successes that I speak of can range from I spent time with loved ones to I graduated from classes... these successes have freedom to be "big" or "small".  \

What we offer up to the universe the universe offers up to us!  Live with gratitude and love, recognize the greatness that you are!

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Balance vs Force

I have been seeing a body worker for a little over 18 months now, on and off.  recently much more on than off.  This is due to the body "issues" that I have been experiencing.  Such issues are as follows:
Low back pain
Middle back pain
Shoulder pain
Anxiety when I wake up and when I fall asleep, and sometiem even all day
Tight tight hips
and an Upset tummy

Now my thought when I review this list I think "Why am I experiencing my 80's or 90's in my 20's????!!!!"

So here is the reason for this post, rather than this being a sob story this is about transformation and the importance of a strength training and work outs.    About 6 or 7 months ago I decided I was ready for the ultimate transformation, one that I knew was a long time coming.... so I got up anf left my job as well as what I had built, I stopped my yoga practice, left my eating of cooked foods behinds, and demanded of myself daily that I break everything down and re-do it! 
By leaving begind the physical such as foods and work outs and yoga behind I abandoned everything my body knew.  Now it is completely lost and with out and understanding of my physical self. 

Though I am a belieer of transforma'tion I have greatly learned that it must come at a respectful pace.  When you want transformation allow compassion for yourself and space for the transformation.  Work out, practice yoga, eat foods that are healthy and make you happy. 

I am now in the process of re-building and lookign for a place for my physical body to hang onto.  Allow me to elaborate on this....  as we grow up we create patterns that are physical reactions to the things that happen to us.  So some of my tendencies were to hold on for dear life on the right side of my body and I supported that because I worked out andpractice yoga which gave me the muscular structure to grip too.  So when I stopped all these things my body lost its grip and everything went out of place...
Now, had I continued my work out and slowly begin to incorporate work outs that allowed me to alter my habits, rather than experiencing these thinsg I may feel a little more at peace as well as strength.

In a world that demands of us, to be at the top of our game all the time.... its is important that we remember that the journey there is the most important part.  It is the little things that lead to the big things. 

I encourage you to begin to get body work and get to know your body.  As you do this you will see the perfecction it is as well as the things that you may want to see change. 

Compassion compassion compassio!  This may be resonating with you on a level other then just the body... maybe it is work, friendships, or relationships.  honor and love yourself and others.

Love and light!!!  Have the best day ever!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

R. E. S. P. E. C. T. find out what it means to me

Today the Earth, our Mother has given us here in Fort Collins a day of rain, with a beautiful moment of sunshine.  She is pouring down on us blessing us like holy water blesses many of religious faith.  Washing away the old and the unserving and preparing the gorund for new seeds to take root.  We are so lucky!  This is the best day ever!

As I woke up this morning and checked my facebook as I often do I came across a post that implied that Earth day is a hoax and that we should less then honor the Earth.  It implied doing donuts in a Cobra and turning on every light in the house in the name of American Liberty..... Now, I am unaware of the seriousness of this post.  I can however tell you my emotional reaction upon reading it... I was sad, and on top of sadness there has been this underlying frustration that I have been holding onto about it. 

This post made me cringe as I read the words.  My ego and my mind desperately wanted to respond with resentment as well as a challenge as to why they felt that this was an appropriate thing to say.  However, I feel as though wisdom held me back.  I pondered this continually through out the day and as you can tell I still am.  Here is my conclusion, and this conclusion roots into every area of life....

Every single person, being the intelligent beautiful, divine individuals that we are has a full right to their opinion.  This applies for every single SOUL out there.  Though my opinion is that we are made of the earth and that with out her we would be non existent that could be far from what anyone else thinks.  For me to stomp my opinion all over everything can add hatred and anger into the world, especially when we carelessly do so in a setting in which there is no clarity about the mood of the statement. 

These may be the downfalls to facebook, twitter, linkedin, texting, email, etc.  

To tell someone else that their belief is invalid is a sign of disrespect. So in respect of Mother Earth, Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Atman, etc le us take Earth Day and recognize not only that this planet allows our lives to sustain but that the opinions of every single soul on it also affords us the ability to be here.  If you believe that Mother Earth along with Earth Day is a hoax... I do ask you that you just take a moment to consider that to sustain life we need her!  We need her soil and her water, we need her fires, and her rotation around the sun for sleep. 

Take a moment tonight and respect what sustains your life, your belief systems and your morals, as well as the purpose you live by. 

respect those around you and yourself.  Practice non violence and be careful and wise with what you speak.  Wisdom is empowerment!

I wish you all a beautiful day!!  Thank you for taking the time to read the blog!  Love and light!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What makes us enough!

The ebbs and flows these days seem to be more so than usual.  Yesterday I was so inspired and this morning I could barely keep my head attached I just wanted to burst out of my skin.  And now I am feeling a bit of poverty mentality slipping in and dancing around telling me that I am less then enough and I have less then enough and all that blah blah blah that is less then true. 

So I have to ask myself and all of you to define what is less then enough....

Does this less then anough haveto do with what it is that we grew up with?  Is it that maybe my family grew up with less money then we needed..... and what defines it as less then what we needed.  Because we all still are alive and we lways had clothes and food and love and shelter and water?!  So what is enough?

I am abke and going on a 2 week road trip in less then 6 weeks that allows me to see many different areas and meet new people nd interview other yoga instructors and see ne w health food stores and be away.  And somewhere in this ability is fear again that there is less then enough.....  

It seems to be everywhere lately....and to be quite honest and truthful with you and with myself... it really sucks!!!  It is uncomfortable and brings anxiety amd tension into te body and the mind.  There is fear of failure and fear of loss, and the only reason that these fears exist is because I have "succeeded" and I have "gained" and with those feelings of greatness come feelings or yuckiness.  What is this programming and what aee we teaching our children and our peers when we tell them what is good and what is bad? 

If we can buy a house and pay cash does this make us better then the person who is more financially inclined to ride a bike, walk, or take public transportation?  

If we can meditate and sit still for longer periods of time does this make us better then the person who is figgety and avoids meditation?

We are enough, and we are born enough, and as much as I have to know this within myself maybe today or tomorrow or whenever you read this post you will remember that you were born enough.  This enough stays with you forever!  It is the space behind the heart that reminds us that our infinity is permanent. 

I hope this day brings you great news and great abundance!  You are the light of the world and your perfection is recognized.  Wayne Dyer speaks often about all the beauty of the world and how we can at any point access it!

Love and light and pure abundance!  Live with kindness, see beauty, feel love, know creativity, recognize endless abundance, be receptive to everything, be expansive!!!!

The work out of the day!

The Work Out of the Day!!!!

In this quick 20 minute work out we will focus on both upper body and lower body! 
What you will need:
A step
A set of dumbells that you can work with for 30 seconds on the upper body.  Focusing on a sustainable weight rather than one that is too heavy... you can also use a resistance band for either upper body work out.
The best attitude ever!
And a timer!  We will be doing 30 - 60 second sets and utilizing quick transitions in between!!! 

60 seconds of step ups (utilizing a step and either stepping one foot at a time up and down and switch, or jumping.  Please challenge your body accordingly)
30 seconds Chest presses (using weights lie on your back arms beginning at 90 degree angles, wrists above elbows, press straight up until arms are straight, avoid locking the elbows) if using a resistance band (grab band with hands approximately 8 to 12 inches apart and pull away from each other, coming back to center slowly)
60 seconds step ups
30 seconds wall squat arm raises (sit against a wall in a squat position using leg strength to support, grab your weights and raise arms from sides straight out in front of you until the arms reach shoulder height and slowly lower) if using a resistance band (hook band underneath feet and perform the same movement with the arms)
60 seconds step ups
60 seconds of active recovery (walk around the room)
Repeat 3 or 4 times depending on where your body is at today!!!!

Enjoy your day and llow it to be the best day ever!!!  There is no discoursein the world, it only resides within our minds! 